Sophie’s 13th birthday party

Elettra, Doc, Elvis, Sophie, Mia and Dakota tolerate party hats and a picture before digging into their hamburgers

Elettra, Doc, Elvis, Sophie, Mia and Dakota tolerate party hats and a picture before digging into their hamburgers

It’s hard to believe that nearly 13 years ago Carrie brought home this little 2-month old bundle of brown fur. But now age is taking her strength, the cold she once enjoyed now brings an ache to her joints, and her passion for hunting has now become a passion for therapy work.

Elvis stretches his legs with a run before starting his therapy visits, 11-19-15

Elvis stretches his legs with a run before starting his therapy visits, 11-19-15

Sophie and Elvis made their therapy visits on Friday and Sunday she celebrated her birthday with party hats (not her idea) and hamburgers (definitely her idea).

Sophie is eager to begin her therapy visits, 11-19-15

Sophie is eager to begin her therapy visits, 11-19-15


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4 Responses to Sophie’s 13th birthday party

  1. Happy birthday Sophie! 13 is a great age. So glad she enjoyed her birthday.


  2. jenniesisler says:

    Such sweet babies! Sophie is such a gentle and beautiful old lady – I can only hope I age that well. Love the party hats but am surprised they tolerated them long enough for a pciture:D


  3. Thanks, Sophie is a terrific girl. I think that they were so focused on the hamburgers they forgot about the hats!


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